Note: Through the generosity of a private donor, MCCF has sent ten Montgomery County educators and MCCF Executive Director Kelly Taylor to Poland for the 75th Anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. The group is traveling with CANDLES Holocaust Museum and Education Center and will be there until Sunday, February 1. Each day, one or more of the participants will be providing updates on their experiences. We will be sharing their stories online through the MCCF website and social media pages, as well as local publications.
Day 2- Amy Carrington and Sharon McLean, Crawfordsville Middle School

Today, January 28th, 2020, several teachers from Montgomery County stood in the exact spot where Eva Kor and her sister, Miriam, breathed their first breaths of freedom exactly 75 years ago. Their liberation came after spending many months in constant torture and fear while imprisoned at Auschwitz I Concentration Camp near Krakow, Poland. The camp was very sobering and touching in ways many of us didn’t expect.
We saw rooms of nothing but shorn hair used for textiles, unmatched piles of shoes, eye glasses piled into a huge tangle of metal and glass, and mountains of abandoned suitcases with names and countries, printed by the hands of owners who would never claim them.

During all of this, Eva was in the front of all of our minds, especially when we arrived at Block 10. Here Eva and her twin sister Miriam would have every part of their bodies measured, blood drawn, and mysterious substances injected into them.
While millions lost their lives during the Holocaust, Eva and Miriam were fortunate to walk, hand in hand, out of the camp. Eva had successfully reached her only goal. She and her sister had SURVIVED!
Click here to read Day 3 updates.