The state of the workforce is a key component in our county’s overall economic health. It is a complex topic and must be viewed from various perspectives to fully understand. The League of Women Voters of Montgomery County and MCCF have partnered to begin Community Insights, a three part series focused on the Montgomery County workforce.
This is a great way to engage in your community! We invite residents to come hear about the important issues, as well as ask questions and share thoughts.
Each session will take place on the fourth floor of Fusion 54 (101 W. Main Street, Crawfordsville) and run from 5:15-6:45 p.m. Topics and dates are listed below.
Tuesday, April 9- The Workforce: The BIG PicturePresenters:
Cheryl Morphew, Montgomery County Economic Development
Rick Hernandez, Crawfordsville/Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce
Wednesday, April 17- The Workforce: The Human (resources) Perspective
Trey Etcheson, Hoosier Heartland State Bank
Lori Holt, Pace Dairy
Kim Keeling, LSC Communications
Diana Tran, Home Depot
Tuesday, April 23- The Workforce: Getting Schooled
Dr. Scott Bowling, Crawfordsville Community Schools
Samantha Cotten, High School Career Coach
Dr. Shawn Greiner, Southmont Schools
Sara Nicodemus, Career and Technical Education Coordinator
Patty Plantenga, Ivy Tech Community College